
In order to apply for participation with SPA, the following items are required. Incomplete credentialing applications or applications that do not meet the following criteria will be returned.

  • Permanent office address
  • Texas Standardized Credentialing Application
  • Residency/ fellowship training completion
  • SPA Initial Credentialing Application
  • Current Texas Medical License
  • Completed SPA Plan Participation List
  • Current DEA & DPS certificates
  • Completed W-9 Form
  • Current malpractice insurance face sheet
  • SPA Policy on Medical Professionalism
  • Signed and dated SPA Agreement
  • Permanent hospital privileges in good standing
  • Copy of current curriculum vitae
  • Initial Credentialing Fee (non refundable) - $380

Credentialing Process: If the application is complete, and submitted with all required documentation, the SPA Credentials Verification Process should be completed within 30 days. This process can take longer for non-board certified applicants, as accredited training must be verified in writing from the institution. Membership Approval Process: The Membership approval process follows the completed application process. The SPA Peer Review and Credentials Committee will then review and consider the application and make an approval recommendation to the Board. After the SPA Board of Directors approves an applicant, the applicant's credentialing information will be submitted to all health plans selected by the applicant on the SPA Plan Participation Form, which is included in the "SPA Initial Credential Application Part II" packet. Health Plan Participation: The time-line for being accepted by a health plan as a "participating provider" is 30-90 days after approval by the SPA Board. Some plans can provide effective dates immediately, while other plans must present the information, submitted by SPA, to their respective credentialing committees for final approval. Note: Some plans may be closed to some applicants due to hospital, specialty, or geographic location. SPA cannot guarantee acceptance by these plans. Re-credentialing Process: Recredentialing is essential to maintaining member participation status in SPA. SPA will recredential its physicians every three years, in accordance with TDI and NCQA standards. Download our Credentialing Application

Credentialing Application is best viewed with Acrobat Reader